liuerfire's Blog

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Awesome you should t 说:
2016年5月26日 07:22

Awesome you should think of something like that

Please keep throwing 说:
2016年5月25日 23:32

Please keep throwing these posts up they help tons.

With the bases loade 说:
2016年5月25日 17:18

With the bases loaded you struck us out with that answer!

Well I guess I don't 说:
2016年5月25日 17:04

Well I guess I don't have to spend the weekend figuring this one out!

More than 1% of high 说:
2016年5月25日 17:02

More than 1% of high school students play football, so your math still doesn’t work. And a lot of the high school football deaths are from idiot coach-induced heatstroke, rather than injuries on the field. Of course, a single death invalidates a whole sport if you consider that sport stupid and pointless.You can reduce billions of dollars in economic activity to delusional human cockfighting if you want. Good luck with that crusade. One day maybe we’ll have a Super Bowl for beach volleyball.

Gina-NO! Kugels are 说:
2016年5月25日 16:46

Gina-NO! Kugels are usually made with noodles, thin, thick flat noodles, veggies, cheese, and whatever else you want to add. They can be sweet or savory. Latkes are usually made with shredded white potatoes, or sweet potatoes with other things added, i.e., apples, leeks, onions, shallots, zucchini, winter squash, etc, flour and/or matzo meal, egg, flatened and pan fried until crisp, or oven baked until crisp. They are usually eaten with, or topped with sour cream or applesauce.

There is little in l 说:
2016年5月25日 15:50

There is little in life that can’t be improved by two strong mimosas beforehand. (Should this be a t-shirt or my first tattoo? Because I’ll give you credit).Also, the future is now. Indeed.I loved this, Kristin. Thanks for a peek into different eras of your life then and now.julie gardner’s last awesome post…

Hey Michael,I wasn&# 说:
2016年5月25日 12:04

Hey Michael,I wasn’t on Abhishek’s list. (lol) At least not the one I think you are referring to. I did have some friends on there though who really deserved it.You are a disciplined man if you can refrain from retaliating. Good for you. See you around.

ngomong2, lagunya ca 说:
2016年5月24日 11:28

ngomong2, lagunya cakra khan yg sedang hit itu lagi sering2nya saya putar, bahkan tiap hari, lagunya cocok banget buat yg sedang galau

You’ve written 说:
2016年5月24日 05:45

You’ve written a book! That’s a major accomplishment and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t be published. But by saying that you want to be published, you’re really saying that you want readers; and you can find them. They are out in the Internet ether, waiting to read your book. You need only to remember: PACKAGE, MESSAGE, MARKET.Your book is your PACKAGE, and so is your website. If you have a book, you should have a website.

That's a smart way o 说:
2016年5月24日 00:10

That's a smart way of thinking about it.

You couldn't pay me 说:
2016年5月23日 17:06

You couldn't pay me to ignore these posts!

You've got it in one 说:
2016年5月23日 10:34

You've got it in one. Couldn't have put it better.

Eduardo Pires disse: 说:
2016年5月23日 09:00

Eduardo Pires disse:Ao invés de ficar falando besteira contra o mito Steve Jobs, ele deveria ir pensar em músicas que mudassem a realidade da qual ele tanto reclama. 0  0

creo que esas person 说:
2016年5月22日 22:14

creo que esas personas son tan estupidas y solo un pendejo se haria algo asi la vddasta tengo gana sde vonmitar pweroeso que si ayes les gusta pues qk chingen szumadree.!